Sunday, February 22, 2009

You people never stop trying to make myself look like some pathetic case

Pay up what you owe myself. Im tired of waiting and I am also tired of some fatal attraction steeling my life. I want the money that I EARNED now. I would like to buy a home for myself and the baby. You work, you get paid and then you are able to buy things. I shouldn't have to pass tests to recieve my EARNED income, this isn;t a game show where I am trying to "win" a prize, this is money that is mine. Now that you have ruined my life give my money to myself.

you think i am jealous of some stupid little wench that had to use MY experiences as her own in order to get the world to fall in love with her? Not the case, I assure you. If you think that I am lying why dont you allow myself a lie detector test? How come you dont allow testimony of how "her people" have gotten physical with myself on many different occasions and how she is extorting my life from myself. They lied about myself, plagerized my writing, and falsely broadcasted things that were untrue about myself in order to get her there.
How would you feel if the world thought something bad about you that was totally untrue? They are making up things that are ruining my reputation globally, you insensitive jerks.

Inside, I am told to "come" (orgasm) to gain visitation of my own child. (I am 11 weeks pregnant) and outside the same people are telling the world that the pregnancy is a joke that they played on myself 5 weeks ago. They are trying to make myself appear absolutely crazy to you, all the while knowing that my pregnancy is valid. It is their plan to take away my child after it is born and make it look like I never had the baby. They are basically plotting to kidnap my unborn child! And you have the nerve to call myself jealous? They are trying to make it look to the world like I am a child molester. Brittany... would you let someone steal your boys? I dont think so.

They dont want you to know one iota of truth and they are ruining my reputation as well as chances for employment and a decent life.

I am stalked everywhere I go. I am harassed by complete strangers offering myself ultimatums. I am threatened for everything including breathing and I am not playing this dumb game. Ive done nothing to hurt one person and I am treated like a criminal. You have the nerve to call myself jealous? How about irate! Jealousy and just plain "tired of tolerating illeagal and unfair actions toward myself" are completely different.

I dont know why or how these things are happening to myself. Every phrase and word I originate goes to some dumb little girl that cant think for herself.

I have a number of fatal attractions following myself around. Not only that, but I have a bunch of complete strangers (whom I didn't invite into my life) making decisions and trying to have a say in my pregnancy. All of this is rediculous.

Update on events....

Was falsely accused of stealing in both Redding and Los Molinas and called a shame in both places, for no reason. It didn't happen.

The federal government has accused myself of wanting "two" becase I decided to go visit friends today. That was all it was about and now they have turned it into my want of "2" (whatever the hell that means)

"Annie" is a stalker, plagerizer, and a theif as the world croons over her. Amazing how there is no justice in this country. And if she is such a princess why did she have to stalk myself for the last 3 years to come up with information? She has had access to my conversations and my writing for the entirety.

People are treating myself as if I am some sort of crazy person that needs to get "stabilized" there is nothing wrong with myself.

Im being forced to live without my mother and father becuase of false accusations.

Im being forced to live without a decent quality of life because of false accusations.

They trashed every part of my existance to get this girl into princesshood. I want to vomit. I cant believe what has been taken from my life to get her into princesshood. Sometimes I wonder how is it that I haven't killed myself yet. Not because I want to die but because my life has been destroyed unfairly and she has been made to look like the victim. Now I have people telling myself to get a criminal lawyer for something that I, again, am unaware of. Another made up lie to shut myself up Im positive. Meanwhile they are throwing babies into fires in a popular northern california site and performing inhumane satanic rituals on all sorts of people and I am the one that needs a lawyer? I will never understand this world.

Im so tired of being threatened and given ultimatums by people that haven't even had to brave a winter outside. Im also tired of food being some sort of deciding factor in whether or not someone is guilty or innocent. Lots of people eat salad and onion rings but it doesn't mean that they have done something wrong.

I caught on too late but the baby's father was trying to help and I didn't know it. I am sorry to him. This mess has taken a toll on my ability to see through the haze that they keep putting in front of myself.

I really dont understand what is happening. Celebrities are turning their backs on myself and I have no idea what the problem is. They must have gotten lied to. I have aspergers syndrome and totally dont understant what is happening. All I wanted was to visit with a couple of friends today.

This lifestyle is enough to make myself crazy. I am so tired of having to overeat as a means of stress relief. Not only is it embarassing but it is unnecessary if I didn't have random strange people involving themselves in my life. I dont know what to do and no Im not doing. I am totally confused as to why this is happening. I need a vacation from having to travel with no transportation.

Ive done nothing wrong to be alienated from my peers, not to mention my family.

And no, I haven't drank for eons now nor do I smoke, its all a lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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