Saturday, February 28, 2009


I overheard today a plot to kidnap my unborn child upon its birth. This plan is coming from the "orange county community. The baby's father is from this super spoiled group of people and they have concocted a plan to abduct my child after its birth. They know that I dont want to have the baby in a hospital and that I plan on giving birth at home. They have planned to say that there is something wrong with the child and send for an ambulance to rush it to the hospital. It is their intention to say that the baby DIED on the way to the hospital and then abduct it. They plan on having someone fraudulently sign that the baby died so that I will think it is dead.
These same people are saying telling the rest of the world that I am not really pregnant. Now that most of the people now know that I am in fact pregnant, they have concocted this outlandish plan. These people have gone to far. They are also trying to get myself commited so they have prepared a false suicide note saying that I wrote it. They have tried everything to make my life uncomfortable, but they wont get away with this.
Now they are trying to make it look as if I am racist also so that the Obamas wont support myself as part of this country.
My uncle is still trying to make me look like a hooker and I was threatened today with being lit on fire for eating by some creepy looking white man while in the store. I again have done nothing wrong. I am litterally being bullied. I have no idea how they have tried to set myself up this time or if they already have made myself look bad in someway. I dont know what to do. This shouldn't be allowed.
Also the nice man that offered myself a ride yesterday, offered to give myself one hundred dollars of which I declined. I will say it again, I did not accept the money.
I am attempting to live at a safehouse and have not done anything illeagal or wrong. I am being stalked and conspired against and it is obvious that the father of the baby knows that I am pregnant with his child if he is already making plans to abduct it. I have not intentionally kept this knowledge from him but have had no time to deal with any of this because I have been running from 5 groups of stalkers now over the last month and a half.
I was offered again to be some mans "side' again today.....again.....not interested.
All I know is that none of this is legal.
Also, I am not guilty of anything, no crimes at all and you keep accusing myself based on my geographic location rather than fact. I am trying to enjoy what is left of my life that hasn't been destroyed yet, you have no right to play psychological head trips on myself while I am attempting to live a normal life. I am not playing your freaken game. If I change location it is becuase I am trying to get away from you, not because I am trying to get notariety, you are stalking myself and I am attempting to remove myself from head trips that you just keep dishing out.

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