Saturday, February 28, 2009


I overheard today a plot to kidnap my unborn child upon its birth. This plan is coming from the "orange county community. The baby's father is from this super spoiled group of people and they have concocted a plan to abduct my child after its birth. They know that I dont want to have the baby in a hospital and that I plan on giving birth at home. They have planned to say that there is something wrong with the child and send for an ambulance to rush it to the hospital. It is their intention to say that the baby DIED on the way to the hospital and then abduct it. They plan on having someone fraudulently sign that the baby died so that I will think it is dead.
These same people are saying telling the rest of the world that I am not really pregnant. Now that most of the people now know that I am in fact pregnant, they have concocted this outlandish plan. These people have gone to far. They are also trying to get myself commited so they have prepared a false suicide note saying that I wrote it. They have tried everything to make my life uncomfortable, but they wont get away with this.
Now they are trying to make it look as if I am racist also so that the Obamas wont support myself as part of this country.
My uncle is still trying to make me look like a hooker and I was threatened today with being lit on fire for eating by some creepy looking white man while in the store. I again have done nothing wrong. I am litterally being bullied. I have no idea how they have tried to set myself up this time or if they already have made myself look bad in someway. I dont know what to do. This shouldn't be allowed.
Also the nice man that offered myself a ride yesterday, offered to give myself one hundred dollars of which I declined. I will say it again, I did not accept the money.
I am attempting to live at a safehouse and have not done anything illeagal or wrong. I am being stalked and conspired against and it is obvious that the father of the baby knows that I am pregnant with his child if he is already making plans to abduct it. I have not intentionally kept this knowledge from him but have had no time to deal with any of this because I have been running from 5 groups of stalkers now over the last month and a half.
I was offered again to be some mans "side' again today.....again.....not interested.
All I know is that none of this is legal.
Also, I am not guilty of anything, no crimes at all and you keep accusing myself based on my geographic location rather than fact. I am trying to enjoy what is left of my life that hasn't been destroyed yet, you have no right to play psychological head trips on myself while I am attempting to live a normal life. I am not playing your freaken game. If I change location it is becuase I am trying to get away from you, not because I am trying to get notariety, you are stalking myself and I am attempting to remove myself from head trips that you just keep dishing out.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Im asking you nicely to leave myself alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have done nothing wrong. I am traveling and have "Annies" people and MTV and the secret service stalking myself. I am trying to live my life and because of your selfish games my life is being destroyed. I am tired of you lying to get your way. My life is not a game for you to be playing with. I cant seem to get MM, 50 cent or Dr. Dre out of my life. No, its not a race thing either, dont even take it there, but when a group of multimillionaires get together and decide that they wont leave some poor girl alone because they know they lied about her to get "Annie" in, and they know that they have been using her the whole time and giving nothing back in return, I have to say ..... "get the hell out of my life and find someone else to rob blind of everything they ever had going for them. They are also stalking myself. I am not some sort of toy for you to approve or disapprove of. You are destroying my existance with your games. I am not guilty of anything, I am traveling because I am pregnant and trying to find a home for myself and the baby. I am tired of having to move because of the stalking.
Once again, your dumb rules about food dont apply to myself and Ive had it with your constant intrusion in my life. I dont believe in chopping off hands or fingers for the millionth time and wish to be left alone by people that are attempting to retaliate against myself for things that I have no knowledge of.
I should not have to be forced to live my life according to your rules as long as I obey the laws that is all that matters. I dont want "2" and as a matter of fact I just want you to get the hell out of my life with your threats and your hurtful games. I will not live according to rediculous rules as I am not some sort of criminal.
You continue to lie about everything that is real. You recently lied and said that I had been drinking and now I am being accused of "knowing" something that I dont know. I have the right to live my life without your constant accusations. Go brand someone else! Speaking of....Gee, why are you still attempting to be in my life, I dont understand. You treated myself as if I was some sort of problem for you when I was around and now that I am back in my own country and on the other side of the continent, you suddenly act like you have the right to "pimp" myself. Who the hell do you think you are! I will never prostitute for you or anyone else.
Thats the other thing, my geography should have nothing to do with whether or not I get paid for my accomplishments. YOu want to give myself a home because I deserve it, fine!, but by no means should that change based on where I travel to. Again, you games prevent people from being able to live a normal life. I am tired of having to travel.
I had some big dumb man from the sheriffs dept. say "you did" to me today. I did what? Dont you people get a life? I didn't do anything. I am just trying to make the best of a bad situation, you people are taking the joy right out of life.
This isn't over yet. I wont allow you to get away with taking a life right out from under my child and myself. You should be thrown in a federal penetentiary.
I am asking kindly for you to find someone else to harass. I am retired from your ways of life, its time for myself to live the life I WANT. I wont let you waste another 5 years of my time.
I am pregnant and have cravings right now so if you see myself eating things that you dont agree with, too bad.
I was brought up decent and with morals, you are going to see what kind of person I really am.
I dont want "A" or "2" get it out of your minds. I am a real person with real feelings and I am not here for you to touch, no matter what direction I travel. North, south, east, or west I will never be your freaken "fancy" and I will never be your escort. I am a decent woman that deserves more than that. I am having this baby and in the process suing news stations and television shows for broadcasting false information in the process. By the time Im done you will be saying your sorry
Get out of my life everyone that doesn't belong there. I am not here to pass your tests. I am an heiress and Im not dumb so dont think that I have a question of my own worth. NO, I dont mean in the sense that I am "okay" either, no I dont have to "find" myself. Only problem for myself is that some other person has decided not only that she wanted what I had but now has actively tried to STEAL my own life from myself. I have money that I have made on my own that I am owed and I also have an inheritance. I am tired of your constant need to try and take from myself what isn't yours. You cant decide that you want to take over someones life and destroy theirs in the process.
April as usual has been lied to. Only problem with April is that she is now used to being the only heiress in charge, she doesn't know that I KNOW who I am. Thats okay cant blame her for trying to keep it a secret. I have nothing against her but she knows better than to treat myself as if I have no worth.
And for all of you obsessed with telling the world that I am always "coming" or accusing myself of such activities, your crack pots! You are the most rediculous group of people I have ever met. You think everything is about an orgasm. I am 34 years old and I assure you am not attracted to your child but am documenting every incident of verbal harassment that is technically considered sexual harassment. Keep pushing myself and you will find yourself asking someone to "come" get you out of jail. I wont let you get away with tarnishing my reputation. I am not some sort of freak for you to make a show out of.
Im also suing everyone that falsely reported that their was something wrong with my mental health in order to secure funds out of my trust and out of my personal earnings.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Creepy people all around myself, unfortunately for myself all the normal ones left. Great stuck with a bunch of people fighting over nothing.


The paramilitary is driving the bus in Santa Rosa. Freaken creepy.

I've got people hinged on my every action or lack of action. No pressure though.

My dad chose Tara. Nothing against her but you would think that blood would be thicker than water. Im so tired of being misunderstood by my own blood. Cant deal. Im so tired dad you have no idea, how hard its been to constantly be on the move and traveling. Plus dad, I dont know if I can trust the people that tell myself things that would get myself closer to you. I dont have you to talk to and I cant tell always whos bluffing.

La left. Didn't officially know they were here until they were gone.

Kendall is the person that has been extorting money from myself all along. I didn't know till "Ella" inadvertantly admitted guilt. Now its official. The money portion at least. (The money that has been extorted from myself over the last 15 years. Was I friends with a stranger that was a great actress? I didn't know that she had it in her to be this deceiving. I would have never guessed. Why after all that Ive found out do I still care about her? Im really confused. I have enough ammo on her to not care if she gets plummeled by a bus, but I still care. Dumb, when will I learn.

Apparently I am in Fulsom Prison. (???????????? I have no clue how this is my fate). Isn't there a place that I can go in this life and not be surrounded by a prison mentality? What a freaken waste of a life. I have never wanted to be associated with things that resemble such a rediculous lifestyle choice.

The billionaires are pissed because Obama is pulling for a "Family America" where he is expecting a certain level of give and take and sacrifice amongst the stronger heads of the country, tapping into the one percent that has all the wealth. They are not happy to say the least. They are so used to having a monopoly on the country and now the president is attempting to give the country back to the people.

My dollars that I was saving were stolen last night in my sleep. I have no official money now. Totally sick of thieves. As usual something that had sentimental value taken away and replaced with an "okay....." Beyond old.

The father of the baby left becuase I didn't take the container of prenatal pills with myself or the baby outfit or the baby plate that I had because I didn't want to carry around all this stuff with myself all day. I took a bunch of prenatals with myself in my carry container. Im totally sick of this life. People that dont even care about you judging everything you are in life. The slightest thing off and boom you lose support. I am tired of dealing with unreasonable expectations.

Was told that I wasn;t allowed to have a life basically last night when I checked into the shelter. This has got to end somehow. I dont know what to do.

Oh also was accused of being "wet" around some overweight woman that I share a room with. What the hell would I be "wet" for. I dont think so. you think I am turned on by what exactly? You people make no sense. Also, plastic bags dont do it for myself either (they dont turn myself on) When will you get a life! Your totally desparate for damaging material.

Ive got mental health people following myself around as if I am some sort of mental patient. They are all weird too, they are the ones that belong in the hospital, have you seen what these people look like? Have you seen how overzealous they become over their profession. Not quite stable if you ask myself.

They keep trying to make it look as if I would hurt an American, Bourne in particular. I was a Jason Bourne Dumb ass.

They are trying to insinuate that I am affiliated with a BanK again and I assure you that I am not. My room in the shelter says that it has a specific sponsor involving the name of a bank but I am not taking it to that level as it is just a shelter and not really the bank. Each room is sponsored by a different business and as soon as something opens up then I will move just out of suspiciousness.

The public was lied to again and told that I had an abortion. I assure you that I didn't. I hate these people that keep lying. I would never hurt a sole so I dont know h0w these people keep getting away with this stuff.

The "Long" group wont stop trying to pimp myself. Why cant I get people that I didn't invite into my life to leave myself alone. Its not only their group but all these groups are driving myself crazy.

I STILL dont want to be your lover! I want a normal marriage thank you very much. Why dont you find someone that has no self esteem. I pretty much only care about the babys father right now as he is half of this child. Other than that I really dont care about a man right now other than common decency extended to any stranger about their well being.

If my uncle Ed doesn't stop his spineless tactics for getting into groups and organizations I will just about puke here pretty soon. He is worthless. I have never hated someone so much in my entire life. I have no respect for someone that lies to his own children and the rest of the world to get his way. If you think that for one moment that I am "wet" or "doing" my uncle you better be prepared to fight as that is the worst insult you could possibly have. The man repulses myself as I have never in my life seen a more undeserving person being propelled forward into the spotlight. Makes myself ill.

No offense to the babys father but I am really tired of someone always trying to be "my God" If I had transportation of my own, I wouldn't need a God. This is how they keep myself enslaved. I would be close to what you are. I wouldn't be stuck with a group of people that I have nothing in common with. These people that say "okay" all the time are not my people. My people left. I care about you and what you think but I am not a force that can be reckoned with. You are younger than I and have no idea the knowledge that I save in my head. I am not a dummy, Im just tired and if there is someone that is qualified to raise this child it is I.

Not having an abortion either. You are on crack! Go kill your kid, hows that? Im not a killer and Im not killing the child I have waited my entire life for. No, the baby is not of the "uh huh" group nor does it belong to the "Im such a spineless weasel named ED" group either. You can all be assured that that wont happen. This child is a wonderful entity and I wont have you polluting its existance with groups of people that I would rather die than to participate in.

Was also told last night that I wasn't allowed to stay here as the locals say that I owe money. What a crock. H0w much money have you been extorting from my life again? Not to mention maybe you should be barking up Kendalls tree for payment considering I worked and only made 20% of my own income. Someone got paid but it wasn't myself. Not mad at you for being misinformed but thought I would put it in perspective.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

You people never stop trying to make myself look like some pathetic case

Pay up what you owe myself. Im tired of waiting and I am also tired of some fatal attraction steeling my life. I want the money that I EARNED now. I would like to buy a home for myself and the baby. You work, you get paid and then you are able to buy things. I shouldn't have to pass tests to recieve my EARNED income, this isn;t a game show where I am trying to "win" a prize, this is money that is mine. Now that you have ruined my life give my money to myself.

you think i am jealous of some stupid little wench that had to use MY experiences as her own in order to get the world to fall in love with her? Not the case, I assure you. If you think that I am lying why dont you allow myself a lie detector test? How come you dont allow testimony of how "her people" have gotten physical with myself on many different occasions and how she is extorting my life from myself. They lied about myself, plagerized my writing, and falsely broadcasted things that were untrue about myself in order to get her there.
How would you feel if the world thought something bad about you that was totally untrue? They are making up things that are ruining my reputation globally, you insensitive jerks.

Inside, I am told to "come" (orgasm) to gain visitation of my own child. (I am 11 weeks pregnant) and outside the same people are telling the world that the pregnancy is a joke that they played on myself 5 weeks ago. They are trying to make myself appear absolutely crazy to you, all the while knowing that my pregnancy is valid. It is their plan to take away my child after it is born and make it look like I never had the baby. They are basically plotting to kidnap my unborn child! And you have the nerve to call myself jealous? They are trying to make it look to the world like I am a child molester. Brittany... would you let someone steal your boys? I dont think so.

They dont want you to know one iota of truth and they are ruining my reputation as well as chances for employment and a decent life.

I am stalked everywhere I go. I am harassed by complete strangers offering myself ultimatums. I am threatened for everything including breathing and I am not playing this dumb game. Ive done nothing to hurt one person and I am treated like a criminal. You have the nerve to call myself jealous? How about irate! Jealousy and just plain "tired of tolerating illeagal and unfair actions toward myself" are completely different.

I dont know why or how these things are happening to myself. Every phrase and word I originate goes to some dumb little girl that cant think for herself.

I have a number of fatal attractions following myself around. Not only that, but I have a bunch of complete strangers (whom I didn't invite into my life) making decisions and trying to have a say in my pregnancy. All of this is rediculous.

Update on events....

Was falsely accused of stealing in both Redding and Los Molinas and called a shame in both places, for no reason. It didn't happen.

The federal government has accused myself of wanting "two" becase I decided to go visit friends today. That was all it was about and now they have turned it into my want of "2" (whatever the hell that means)

"Annie" is a stalker, plagerizer, and a theif as the world croons over her. Amazing how there is no justice in this country. And if she is such a princess why did she have to stalk myself for the last 3 years to come up with information? She has had access to my conversations and my writing for the entirety.

People are treating myself as if I am some sort of crazy person that needs to get "stabilized" there is nothing wrong with myself.

Im being forced to live without my mother and father becuase of false accusations.

Im being forced to live without a decent quality of life because of false accusations.

They trashed every part of my existance to get this girl into princesshood. I want to vomit. I cant believe what has been taken from my life to get her into princesshood. Sometimes I wonder how is it that I haven't killed myself yet. Not because I want to die but because my life has been destroyed unfairly and she has been made to look like the victim. Now I have people telling myself to get a criminal lawyer for something that I, again, am unaware of. Another made up lie to shut myself up Im positive. Meanwhile they are throwing babies into fires in a popular northern california site and performing inhumane satanic rituals on all sorts of people and I am the one that needs a lawyer? I will never understand this world.

Im so tired of being threatened and given ultimatums by people that haven't even had to brave a winter outside. Im also tired of food being some sort of deciding factor in whether or not someone is guilty or innocent. Lots of people eat salad and onion rings but it doesn't mean that they have done something wrong.

I caught on too late but the baby's father was trying to help and I didn't know it. I am sorry to him. This mess has taken a toll on my ability to see through the haze that they keep putting in front of myself.

I really dont understand what is happening. Celebrities are turning their backs on myself and I have no idea what the problem is. They must have gotten lied to. I have aspergers syndrome and totally dont understant what is happening. All I wanted was to visit with a couple of friends today.

This lifestyle is enough to make myself crazy. I am so tired of having to overeat as a means of stress relief. Not only is it embarassing but it is unnecessary if I didn't have random strange people involving themselves in my life. I dont know what to do and no Im not doing. I am totally confused as to why this is happening. I need a vacation from having to travel with no transportation.

Ive done nothing wrong to be alienated from my peers, not to mention my family.

And no, I haven't drank for eons now nor do I smoke, its all a lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I dont understand what just happened

I feel like I just got set up again.

I just heard that "B" got 100% of my earnings for reasons that are completely unclear. How does this keep happening? i haven't done anything wrong, havent hurt anyone and now have the ultrasound pictures to prove that I am pregnant so I dont understand how this is happening.
People keep taking advantage of my cluelessness as a way to swindle this girl out of things that she has rightfully earned. I think this is why they just gave away my life again to "B". I have nothing against "B" personally except for the fact that he or she keeps trying to take something that isnt theirs and they didn't earn. Considering I haven't done anything wrong I dont understand how they keep trying to set this girl up to look like the bad person. I am not a circus animal here to jump through hoops. You cant take away EVERYTHING that I have ever worked for just becuase I have to eat because I am pregnant. I am tired of being responsible for peoples hands when I would never condone or participate in behavior that would take someones hand. I am homeless and pregnant and would really appreciate the ability to concentrate on my new family right now without losing the income I worked my ass off for. You cant just give some girl my money just because she met myself a couple of years ago and decided that she wanted what I had or was working on. You dont get the rights to someones life because of the games you play. I am not playing and am getting tired of losing everything to some ruthless person that wont stop until they have taken over my entire life. That is called fatal attraction.

I officially know that the man from Canada is NOT the father of this baby which makes this girl even more excited about its arrival.

Some nice man gave this girl a place to stay last night and i helped him with his garden and gave him $10. He lived way out in the country and I was a little freaked out at first because it was very dark and scary. This morning it was beautiful though, all this acreage in front of myself.

He drove this girl back to town and I was totally nauseated from being pregnant and not being able to eat before 12 noon (becuase of ED) that he dropped this girl off at the nearest sandwich shop.

I had a veggie sandwich and read the paper. The employees behind the counter said "you did?" as I reached for the sandwich. I ignored them because "I didn't" and didn't know what the hell they were talking about.
I went outside and read a paper about how Obama is giving americans the chance to keep their homes from sinking into foreclosure and I started crying. Im totally emotional and I think Obama is simply increadible. The country should be proud to have this man in office. I have waited for a savior of his magnitude and compassion for the last 5 years.

I have creepy people trying to decide whether or not I get chaparoned visits of my own child. Who are these people? Has someone commited this girl without my knowledge? That is the only thing I can think of, how else would someone when I am only 11 weeks pregant be making an assesment of whether or not I am capable of raising my child? what the hell is going on? this child is NOT up for adoption. I dont decide to go through with a pregnancy that I dont intend on parenting. These people are crazy and need to watch their step because now they are messing with the love that a parent has for a child. Not only that but these bastards have taken my mom, my dad, my family, my friends, my money, my pride, my love of life, my accomplishments, and over my dead body are they taking my child. Fuck you and your evil fucking minds. I am a love and you are the bad person, it has always been that way and you will never convince this girl otherwise.

Also I have NEVER hurt an american. Why would I be disqualified from my own trust as I dont drink, smoke, do drugs, hurt people,dont steal and the only thing mentally wrong with this girl is that I have aspergers syndrome and have been through repeated truama by horrible people. I want my uncle ED to get the fuck out of my life, hes not welcome same goes for the "yep" crowd.

I have never tried to beat a bail of hay either so if you hear something like that, its a lie to get Kendall mad at this girl.

They just gave credit for my research to April Tara or Kendall. They are calling one of these girls a genius. Research that took 3 years to compile suddenly is awarded to some girl that didnt even have to live outside for a month. None of these girls ever broke a code nor is capable of breaking a code. Ive been called brilliant on more than one occasion and although two of these girls are smart, they have never been capable of knowing what I have researched without even setting foot outside.

I love kendall with all my heart so this isn't to put her down, I just dont appreciate being swindled.

No I really am not into being someones lover as I am fully capable of finding a man that would love to not only marry this girl but would have no problem making this girl the only girl. Unless you want just this girl, then I dont want you. No offense, but I always pictured having a "normal" family life.

Note to the patron in the sandwhich shop with the burnt orange sweatshirt seem to be under the impression that you have the power to control whether or not I deserve love, sex and marriage.....I dont know who told you that it was somehow in your control but I am here to tell you that you have nothing to do with whether or not I am loved. Try to exert your "power" with someone that doesn't have the self esteem to believe in themselves.

I just remembered that I forgot to take my prenatal vitamins yesterday and today. I got nautious and just remembered.

Thats the other thing quit putting myself under so much pressure that I forget the things that are important and then I have people leaving and support dwindleling because you think that I am not taking the vitamins on purpose. Ive only had them for a week and Im normal and forget things sometimes. you people are so quick to ASSUME things. Im really getting tired of my life being constantly up for approval. I am a good person and although I appreciate your support you shouldn't constantly look for the first opportunity to abandon myself because you think that I am "trying" to not take something. You must never make a mistake then? I shouldn't be abandoned for no reason. I am not your "Truman Show" And I am tired of having no privacy and no place to live and no time to think without your constant opinions.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Update on the truth.

Creepy people following myself around and threatening myself with various things.

Worried about mom and dad as they keep using this girl against my own family and my peers.

Worried about Bryce not being smart enought to know that I am not against him. He keeps listening to these far off people and the things they say to him. Id be surprised if he got one iota of truthful information to go on. They are trying to make him think that I am against him.

Went and found a doctor that would help positively identify my pregnancy and date it so that I have proof that I have been telling the truth this whole time. Got pictures of the little love (love bug is moving around and almost looks like its a gymnast.) The highlight of my year. ------ the lady at this place the inspiration for the color as I couldn't decide, I let her.

Was also told that some strange couple is trying to "bond" with my child because someone lied and said that I wanted to have an abortion. They plan on giving some strange couple rights to my unborn baby. Again, I never wanted to have an abortion but was concerned when I first found out that I was pregnant that it might be the man that I had sex with under duress (someones health was threatened if I didn't agree to have sex with him) and I was worried because of the bad memories that I didn't want to have a constant reminder of him. When I found out that he WAS NOT THE FATHER, because the pregnancy has been dated to the time when I was in San Mateo California, not Canada, a month and a week earlier. I decided that the baby was a welcome addition to my life.

Was told that they plan to show an abortion video on "you tube" and label it mine to make people hate this girl. How twisted is that for somene to lie like that. I have no intention of having an abortion as I am estatic that I am pregnant. This is one of the many ways that the "uh huh" people have attempted to ruin my life.

I have technically never been against one person at all.

I was told that whoever is going by the name "who" has labeled this girl as a lyer and a thief. I haven't lied and I haven't stolen one thing. They probably got the wrong information or were lied to.

Still being threatened with the electric chair for things that I have knowledge of but have never participated in. Like I said before its like being put on trial for someone telling you what something secretly means or what bad people are capable of. Just because I was told about a mass suicide somewhere on the other side of the country and then being held accountable for things and people you dont even know about.

Some people keep lying and saying that I "came" in order to make this girl look like everytime I am around a man that I have had an orgasm. If I spend the night around someone with a little bit of chub on them they always accuse this girl of being "wet" and "coming" when I am not even attracted. I can assure you that I am not some sort of orgasm machine and that right now my pregnancy is my first concern and am finding it increasingly difficult to become sexually aroused at all with people accusing this girl of being inappropriate around grown men that have pot bellies (I am actually repulsed by the thought of a man being sexual with this girl while I have some other mans baby growing inside of this girl.)

I was also informed today that my uncle Ed wants this girl to "serve" him..........Over my dead

I miss Kendall, her mom beth, and my friends from high school as they are the only normal people I can remember. Raymi also.

Keep being threatened with prostitution by complete strangers. Keep being threatened with everything from complete strangers.

Was told that I could kiss the "law goodbye" just because I had an ultrasound of my baby like a normal person.

Had some people yell in the parking lot saying that I am crazy.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Im a mess

I just found out that my family was in mexico for a wedding that supposedly involves Bryce and some girl (I want to puke mainly because it was kept secret from this girl) I thought Bryce was smarter than that. I thought he would recognize a golddigger when he saw one. He's always been very impressionable by the people that are informing him. I dont understand how he couldn't know that he was being lied to about his childhood friend (this girl) I will always support him in his decisions but this just seems intolerable when I know the truth behind his falling in love with this girl. Most of it was manufactured to make him fall. Lots of lies surrounding the saga. I personally got used the entire time. They tried to make this girl look like the golddigger. They have turned everything around on this girl to make it look as if I am the agressor. Now they are trying to say that I am the golddigger. I have made my own money and these people have no idea about that. They dont know that I have been ripped off for millions of my own hard earned money.
I am heartbroken knowing that no one cares about this girl because of the lies. I broke down in tears today as I am tired of fighting everyone around this girl. I am totally tired of being alone. I dont understand how this could happen to someone that is loving and caring and full of life, most of all honest.
The tears started when I thought of Letha, Jakes grandma. There was a little ol woman that looked just like her in the store that i was in and I started thinking about her little voice and the things that she used to say to Jake. Always asking him if he was hungry and trying to do something, whatever it was for him. The epitome of a true grandmother.
I started to think also of Jake and I could hear him like it was yesterday, asking "are you hungry little?" "Pon" "Koondun" and I just lost it. Today has been very emotional. I miss him because he was one of my best friends, and I am so lonely. I have no friends and it seems like my family is working against this girl (my grandma lied and said that I was "wet" and one of my aunts just keeps saying "okay" all the time. My younger cousin, seems like she is in love with Tara it seems and doesn't really care about the fact that Tara has been a fatal attraction in my life(it seems, either that or someone is making it look like it is her). The overall theme is to try and include Tara and disown myself. I am also an American Eagle and I am tired of being lied about for some girl that isn't even related)
I overheard these people talking about "putting this girl in isolation" . How creepy it is to hear someone make decisions about you when there is no truth in what is happening to you. They are trying to insinuate that I am a child molester, couldn't be farther from the truth. They are planning to isolate this girl for reasons that dont exist. I dont understand how this could happen to a normal person. I am not attracted to children. It is their lies that are the problem not my habits or sexuality. These people are sick to try and target someone that is normal. I dont know how to get them away from this girl. I heard that the "b" group intends to "fix" this girl as a result of the false allegations. I am pregnant and they intend on taking my baby out and sterilizing myself.
I have also heard people say that the objective is to not have my face shown ever again in public and that is why they are working so agressively to make this girl look like a total freak.
Im pregnant and totally depressed because these people are throwing mud on a perfectly normal image and it will affect not only myself but also put a cloud over my childs head.
These people are so dumb that they think everything I am is about a man. I bought something to give the baby that has an elephant on it and they thought that i was trying to reminice about a man. I collected elephants when I was little and that is why I am collecting elephants now to give my baby. There are too many people involved in my life that shouldn't be there. I really need the stability of my Aunt Lynn but I dont think that she cares because she too probably favors this freaken Tara. Im so tired of coming second to a complete stranger.
My life has been destroyed and these people keep rubbing it in. How cruel can you get. This isn't happening because of my own actions, but because of the repeated sabotage.
Also they falsely accused this girl of stealing from best buy and on a national broadcast. The newscasters words were "she is a shame, stealing from the store" I infact didn't steal. They tripped the buzzer as I went out the door on purpose to make it look as if I had, but I was walking out with other people and didn't think that it would come back to myself. And if I new that the newstation would have broadcast that I was "a shame and accuse this girl of theft" I would have had someone search the bag. They humiliated this girl nationally and cost this girl my father and my hard earned money that I had been fighting for. The theives made off with all my earnings as a result of that broadcast. Im suing for defamation of character and negligence. Im tired of people getting away with the theft of my life. Everything I had been homeless for, gone in an instant by an irresponsible reporter that didn't even bother to check my side of the story. Poof, just like that. Im surprised it took this girl till today to break down in tears. Everytime I make some sort of progress I am thwarted by false information or sabotage, like its nothin.
Also I was given a cell phone by a womens group in case I needed to dial 911, that is the phone that you see this girl with, but it doesn't work for things other than 911.
I used the name Mike to describe My uncle ED because I feared using my uncles real name when I was describing the stalking and mental abuse. I was afraid of additional attempts on my life and aditional false "warrants" to pop up. Not to mention additional rapes and god knows what else I might have to endure if he found out that I was naming him. Mike was in no way a reference to my cousins friend and I also told the domestic violence people this at the time that I gave the name. I told them that it wasn't the mike that was my cousins friend. I was adament about this point.
I have not commited fraud or forgery against a former employer. What a crock of shit? This is in an attempt to discredit my claims, I have always been honest.
These are my thoughts and this is my way to clear my mind. That is what this blog is in existance for.
I am not your enemy but am tired of being targeted. I am functioning on no resources and being attacked all day. I am exhausted as I am trying to save the life and reputation of this unborn baby, as I have already been threatened with removed.

A little note for all the people currently working on the sabotage of my life


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Nice Lady Gave this girl a place to stay

Thank you for providing a place to stay. I am heartbroken over the fact that my family hasn't been receptive to myself. They are all rallying around Tara, and April, and Kendall. I dont understand how Shelby is allowed to eat and drink what ever she wants and gets to live a normal lifestyle.
I have an admitted confession from the girl at Sweet Baby Jane in the Mall saying that the objective was to "destroy my life." Not to mention that she had a big ol grin on her face thinking of the possibility.
I assure you that there is nothing mentally wrong with this girl. They are trying to "figure out what to do with myself" I hear. Aweful. A bunch of mental health people in my life for no reason. I wish I could sick them on someone equally undeserving like Shelby and see how she deals with it. Or maybe Tara, or April. Not because Im mad at them but because I know that they are just like myself and there is nothing wrong with them. Im tired of having overzealous mental health weirdos in my life polluting my social circuit. I am fine as long as people quit trying to accuse this girl of random mental illnesses to scare normal people off.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

You want myself to be a hooker?

You have a lot of nerve trying to make it look like I would try and hurt someone or something on purpose.  I am here in redding for moral support because I am pregnant and I find out that my aunt is on the other side.  Ive stayed with her for 1 1/2 days and its been a nightmare.  She deserves an academy award for theatrics to look like the loving aunt all the while sabotaging my existance.   To the rest of the world it looks like I am losing my temper for no reason, but I assure you that I am losing my temper because she is playing the same game that everyone else is all the while subtly trying to make this girl look like I am going crazy.  The world is peeking in on my life while they try to make it look like I would hurt an american with tools etc.  They have been trying to make it look like I fly off the handle for no reason meanwhile they are making fun of their own niece, humiliating remarks and actions about the status of my vagina.
So far her and my uncle from florida as well as his children have tried to make it look like I want "2".  It is their intention to try and make the world think that I am trying to have an affair with some undisclosed man.  I am pregnant and the last thing I am thinking of is being with a man.  
They (my aunt and the rest of my family) have lied to the public and said that I am drinking alcohol, smoking ciggarettes and god only knows what else they have lied about.  They set this girl up to look like I would cut off "annies" finger.  They have threatened myself using my unborn child, saying that they have every intention of "lying" and saying that I am abusing my child in order to have it taken away from myself.  This all before it is even here.  
I also have people LYING in the community and saying that my vagina gets "wet" around children in order to make this girl look like I am "car" (a child molester), my family is also making efforts to make it look like this.
They have gone out of their way in order to ruin my reputation and now they intend on trying to give April control of my child.  Their intention is to have a complete stranger communicating with my child.  Someone is going to pay for this, I am not here to be your "work mule"  I dont have children so that I can give them away.   
I cant even put up my hair, (a stress mechanism) without a complete stranger saying "okay" to this girl trying to make it look like I am playing a game because I am stressed.
Oh yeah thats the other thing, everyone that is attempting to hook this girl GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE
The girl that is using my blog to further her success, get your own material!  Im tired of being stolen from to propel some undeserving person forward.
It is my families intention to make this girl look like I am some sort of hooker.  I have never been a hooker.  Their game is going to come to an end and very soon.
I am tired of these people "pointing" at various things trying to make it look like if I continue to type that they own myself.  
My uncle is a lunatic hell bent on trying to make this girl look like a hooker, for no reason.  This has been the overall goal for him and most of my family for the last 5 years.  There is a trust fund at stake and I am the heir.  If they are successful at getting you to believe that I am a bad person, a terrorist, a hooker, a pycho, have commited some sort of crime, or have some sort of mental incapacitating illness, guess where the money goes?  To my uncle and various members of my maternal side of the family.   The trust fund is worth $60,000,000.  The stipulations of the trust for myself to recieve funds are that I cant have an alcohol or drug problem at the time of monetary dispersement, I cant be serving an indefinite time in prison, for a hanus crime (hence the reason that they have attempted to set me up to look like I would hurt, maime or kill another individual, and that I have to be mentally competant (I cant be crazy and in some sort of institution.  This is the reason they are working to such extremes to make this girl look crazy or vicious. They have tried to get myself to have an abortion because if this baby is born it becomes the 2nd in line as heir to the trust, myself as the first.   That means that they dont get paid the money that they have been trying to kill this girl over even if I die, because there will be another genetic heir.    I personally dont really care about the money but they do.  Meanwhile my father is getting lied to on every level and occasion, so that I dont have his support.  He has now chosen my childhood friend over his own daughter because he has been lied to so extensively.
Stop wiggling your fingers at this girl as I am totally not into family members in that way.  I have had it with all these attempts on my life and livelyhood and they have ruined every opportunity that has come my way.
Not to mention I just found out that while I worked for CrossCheck my income was being controlled by "rolling" my phone calls to bogus locations in an attempt to control (which is what they did) my overall income capabilities.  I made 20% of what I could have.   I was in Telesales.  My income should have been over $100,000 for the year but based on 80% of my phone calls being rolled to bogus places I made barely $30,000 for the year.  This they say was instigated by (kendall)  but I am not positive that I believe them in regard to her being the responsible person.  No I am not gay.  (isnt the constant insinuation a form of defamation of character?)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Update on the truth

B did not win as I did not accept moneys from strangers and I have been honest since being here

I didn't steal the baby names book and can give a physical description of the lady that sold it to myself. As a matter of fact the scandelous bleep at the shelter snagged my reciept out of the tof of my book when I went to talk with an administrator, like I said I can give a physical description of the lady that sold it to this girl.
I am pregnant and have to pee amillion times a night but in no way does that mean that I "came" disgusting. The which did not win. That also was a lie.
These people that rely on deceit make this girl sick.
Thats the truth.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Im not playing

I've lost all hope of people doing the right thing or being real. I am STILL beng accused of things that I dont understand. I've lost all hope in people completely. Its all about control for them and how they can use this girl as their Jesus, but my actual well being doesn't matter as well as there is no truth in most things they say, and it doesn't matter how my feelings are trashed by lies. I give up on the majority of the mass population.
I shouldn't be lied about so that someone can have their way. My life is already trashed. They still want more from this girl.
I dont want to "do" your kids, children dont turn this girl on (for the millionth time) and Im pregnant and am not going to starve this child for your theatrics or your games.
They very people that should have compassion for this girl have some sort of vendetta against this girl and I dont understand. Ive never done anything to these people, they have money, and a place to live and everyone still treats myself as if I am the problem. I hate this planet.
I wish they had to experience what its like having a bunch of people trying to make you their Jesus. Im beyond feeling used at this point.

I would like to say thank you to a multitude of people that have helped myself, with food and shelter.
And they still dont acknowledge the fact that I myself has aspergers syndrome, they are treating this girl like I am some sort of advocate, (which isn't bad but Im sorry but Im not here to always further the cause, I am confused sometimes because I am suffering with the actual problem).
Everyone is trying to say that I am trying to "get annie" which has nothing to do with my actual life. Not everything is about Annie. I have a right to have a life without being lied about, because someone thinks that I am trying to be "annie". How come these people cant think that I have my own personality without my life revolving around Annie. Before it was Annie I was accused of trying to "get M". It never ends. There is no truth in what these people say about this girl. My whole life seems to be about someone else, when really I am just trying to make a life for myself and my child.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Something different

Finally some thoughts about something other than harassment and stalking problems.
Finally had a space to myself, it was wonderful. No one to say things that I dont want to hear. No one to play with my head and no one that is just a jerk trying to play the game. A normal environment filled with healthy thoughts and a smile. I even began to feel like a woman instead of the child that has had to continue running for the last 3 weeks.
What a difference a door makes. Something to shut on the world an a way to unwind and relax from constant greed, clamor, and hostility.
I am a love and I appreciate the ability to be in an environment where no one is trying to hurt this girl.
Even had a small fantasy about Ben Affleck. But felt bad about Jen so I tried to think about Donnie Wahlberg (havent seen him with someone so thought it was safe). I remember when Tyla and I used to have these grand fantasies about these men. It also reminds this girl of Kendall and the fantasies she used to have about Leonardo DiCaprio (Darn, forgot about him, he would have been a good one). Its a totally normal thing to think about some far off man wanting to hold you and ravage your very existance. Someone that you know you will never be with but is an escape from reality.
Found out last night that Tara is "Annie". Im not sure how to feel about that considering my own family, my god family and my father have all turned their backs on this girl in favor of a complete stranger to them. They were all lied to about this girl in order to get her in with them. My family thinks things about this girl that arent even true. They told my father that I was on drugs to get him to turn his back on this girl (wasn't true), god only knows what they told everyone else. Not to mention they used my manuscripts to elevate her even further. Im not mad at her, but not positive how she could help facilitate the lies for her own gain. I could have never done that to her or any one else. But hey, even my closest friend Kendall took her first chance to rid herself of this girl. Cant say that my feelings aren't hurt, that all these people that once supposedly "cared" about this girl are now catering to a manufactured image rather than a real person. The person that they are adoring as "annie" is compilation of fiction and myself transferred to her image. Glad I could be of help. (I mean that sarcastically) Meanwhile my life is usually in danger, but she is all nice an warm in Barbados or Tahiti somewhere. They also lied to my father and told him that the pregnancy was fake when it wasn't. Now he really has no respect for his own daughter.
I still have people negotiating "time" for things that aren't real. I have people that are trying to say that one of the hotels I stayed at is in question when all things that had a cost were given permission for by the gentleman that rented the room for this girl. They are trying to attack this girl for that stay. That gentleman,Mr. Bettencourt, and I entered into a verbal contract that stated that I was allowed to stay at the hotel in question, for a period of two nights, and was allowed to order breakfast room service. Nothing was said about whether or not this would be a problem. I also used this time to try and contact friends and relatives to try and help my situation as I was trying to find a place to go because of the pregnancy and being homeless. He was fully aware of my intention to find a place to go after the hotel stay. If this is a problem for someone it would be a civil matter between Mr. Bettencourt and myself. This is not a matter of credit card fraud or theft as I checked in with Mr. Bettencourt and the desk person was fully aware of my presence. He was nice decent man that was attempting to provide lodging and some food for myself. I think that the credit card company is attempting to try and make an issue out of this for no reason. I have never trashed a hotel room, so if that is being said that is also a lie.
I am not a theif. I dont steal from people and I dont appreciate the world thinking that I would defraud a credit card or someone (419). I can only imagine that my father was probably lied to about these events. This is yet another desparate attempt to get myself encarserated not only to make this girl look bad but to sway a population in a certain predetermined direction. No one wants this girl to be thought of as decent and I have endured a million attempts to smear my name. Some have worked because I didn't catch on in time and these assholes keep this girl running with their constant harassment and stalking. So that leaves the world with an impression of guilt because they dont know to the extent that I am being harassed. The world only sees what they have carefully concockted, not what is actually truth.
Im not worried though, one day the truth will come out and I know with as much as my father respects truth that he will appologize for turning his back on his own daughter in favor of a complete stranger. Right now he really thinks these things are true, so I have to give him some room to be wrong, because he doesn't know. Love you dad, love you mom, love you girls (stepsisters and half sisters) and I hope that know that I am not the girl that they say that I am.
They really went overboard and crossed the line when they were willing to "snuff this girl out" to get another in. If you have to work that hard it shouldn't be allowed. If you have to lie to make the world love a girl that you want to make "annie" then its not real.
Im not mad at her, shes just like everyone else, same mentality, willing to run this girl over to get herself in. Not surprising.
Now when the truth comes out they try to threaten someone "hand" again so that I will look bad. They are so predictable. They pull the same routine everytime. Now someones hand is conveniently my responsibility just because I am telling the truth about the situation. This is a desperate attempt to make this girl look like a monster. They will lie to my father and tell him that I was willing to risk his hand and that is why Tara is that precious, they will make her look like she saved his hand. I want to go throw up now. Another attempt, to make this girl look like a savage.
Iam a kind decent and loving soul, with morals.
If dont waste your breath asking this girl "are you ready" what a fucking gross statement. What they mean when they say this is "are you ready to have sex to get out of jail?" Disgusting. And considering that I haven't done anything to deserve jail, I say shove it up your wazoo. They are threatening this girl because I carry with this girl truth. Part of this girl cant wait until I hear that said to "annie". I just want to hear it once. She's the one that lied to get where shes at and now all of her supporters think that theres no way the truth will come out. I assure you, "the truth" always, eventually comes out.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Tell your goons to back off Robert!!!!!!!!!!!!! From my old job 5 1/2 years ago in Glendale CA.

Leave this girl alone, tell your goons to go away.  I dont know how you found this girl but get away from this girl.  You took advantage of a girl that didn't know anything and was autistic.  I dont want to have anything to do with you ever again.  Unless you are going to help this girl which from the looks of things is not the case.  You put myself in danger, and now you are endangering my child.  I want nothing to do with anything you have to offer.  I dont believe in hurting people and it took this girl way to long to realize what you were exposing this girl to.  You took advantage of my naive and gentle nature. 
You should listen to the song "Because of you" from Kelly Clarkson and then you will know how I feel being followed around by you.  No offense to you personally but the things that come with you are petrifying.  
You've got your hobbling friends following this girl around again.  
Tell all your friends to get out of my life.  I have worked very hard to have a normal existance and I dont need you popping back up in my life.

The people that are stalking this girl

Summit from Ohio courtesy of the "ah huh" and "WOW"groups

My uncle (big surprise)

The Marines (Not so threatened by them but have no clue as to what they want)

People that are attempting to get this girl arrested for bogus things.

I had to leave the city that I was in because I was threatened and told that I wasn't allowed any Medical attention (the pregnancy) (no one wants this baby to be acknowledged as real) Also because I found out about the Summit stalking. I was told that because I left the city that I was in that it was deemed that I was "Guilty" of a crime I have no knowledge of. These people that are judging this girl have no idea that the aspergers syndrome that I have makes this girl process information differently than they would. Things that scare this girl include someone lying straight faced at this girl and trying to make it look like they are telling the truth. I will not stay in the same environment (that includes the same city) with people that are lying (or stalking). as there have already been many attempts on my life as well as my health. This doesnt scare most people as most dismiss this as an annoyance rather than a threat.
I assure you that I am not guilty of anything as I have to keep moving as a form of self preservation. This is the part of the story that no one tells. I litterally have done nothing wrong.

The "B" group took this action (my leaving of the city) as a hostile action toward their group when in fact no malice at all was intended toward them. I was called "ruthless" by their spokes people. They have no idea that I had been threatened or lied to and was put into a state of flight.

While writing this I have had to dodge and go out of my way to keep this private as I have many people standing around this girl trying to "piont" at everything and get their point across. Not only that they go out of their way to talk loud and position themselves, so that they are creating litterally a "visual and audial intrusion" Unfortunately the employees of this company have no idea that that is why I have had to shift my direction of sight many times as to avoid people attempting to use this girls presence as a means to "get their way".

It is 11:30 am in the morning and no I havent eaten yet. They lied. I am nauseated though as I am pregnant.

The group of people that sicked the "summit" people on this girl are attempting to get this girl commited solely for the purpose of control. Not only over my life, but also over a trust fund that goes to them if they are successful. Not only a trust fund is at stake, I have also produced multiple streams of income due to the writing that has been plagerized and infringed upon. They want people to think I am crazy so that I am unable to secure funds that I made and created as well as have the ability to retain control over their long time theft of such funds. These are the same people that keep attempting to get this girl encarcerated for false crimes (things that never happened) because if they can get this girl put away at all then they collect said funds.

There are a number of things that you dont know about. There are a number of things that you wont find out about as long as they continue to lie about everything that is real. I am being boxed in and unfairly. I have done nothing wrong and they have broken every civil rights law in the book trying to hurt this girl in one way or another. These people should be strung up and put in federal penetentiaries for the damage THEY have caused as well as misleading a general population in to believing that this girl is somehow a criminal.

Also the ya and yep thing is still getting old.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I hate this existance.

There is no reason that I should have to be homeless because of an entertainer that has millions of dollars. This freaken rediculous. I want a place to live !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am not playing your putred game and would appreciate it if I could get on with my life now. I am not a bad person but I am growing weary of having to be your Jesus. No one should have to be Jesus if they dont want to be.
B, i heard you were interested in helping this girl with the situation (at least that is how I interpreted it) but now have left? Totally confused as to why you would offer help and then leave. Maybe there is something that I dont understand because of the Aspergers syndrome. But that okay just leave for no reason without even asking what the hell I am thinking. I am trying to get into a shelter. i dont understand what the fuck the problem is with that. It seems like everyone else is allowed to have a life but you want me to suffer for something I have no knowledge of. These people are cruel to play these games and I have no desire to be associated with any of it.
Everyone else is allowed shelter and the ability to eat but Im not even allowed the basic necesities. Im also being set up to look like what has been happening to this girl, is coming from this girl. I hope you people rot in hell if there is one.
I have officially been through too much trauma.
Mom, why cant you just get over yourself! You seem to be alright with abandoning this girl 18 years ago and now you give up on this girl because I miss my father. I sick of both of you and your attitudes. Your both selfish. Im positive that my sisters dont have to go through any of this. Im mad right now but like the fucking pussy that I am, Ill get over it, just like I get over every fucking abusive thing anyone has ever done to this girl right before they skip right the fuck on out of my life. Some days I hate you. Some days I miss you but you seem to be only available upon total and complete humiliation. Tell April I said Hi, since your so chummy together. Sorry for cussing, not really right now but i will be embarassed about it later.

The baby is not that mans offspring from Canada

Nice cover up attempt though. Lots of cover up attempts lately.
For your information, I had a period after that man. I really wish you would stop trying to include this man in the birth of my child. I am pregnant and would appreciate it if you weren't attatching people to the kid that I dont want in its life, nor have any right to be there. Go away, man from Fredrickton New Brunswick, its not your child, either you just dont know how to do math or your completely psycho. The father is 24 years old and they are attempting to "cover up" the truth so that I will have no support from the proper family.
Note: I dont abide by your rediculous rules about breakfast. Im pregnant and not always will I eat breakfast unless I am absolutely famished.
Dont ever ask this girl if I am "ready" ever again. The statement makes this girl want to vomit.
I am not part of the "Wanna" group, sorry. Although I agree with your attempts to be multi racial, I dont agree with your ideals, no offense but I find them slightly rigid.
Thank you to the nice man that gave this girl a place to stay last night and happy birthday to him today. He didn't even try to take advantage of the situation and was totally a gentleman. And since he is a registered guest, I can have breakfast as his guest. He ordered a pizza last night and offered this girl some but because pizza reminds this girl of my uncle, I eagerly declined...Id rather chew on glass than to injest something that reminds this girl of a man that stalks, pursues, abuses and lies his ass off about this girl so that he can get his way. Thats why I ate breakfast, I was starving and was up most of the night peeing because thats what happens when your pregnant. He also was kind enough to offer a disposable phone and charger.
Now my supposed "friends" are trying to get this girl kicked out of life apparently. There is a group of people that keeps trying to say that "They (whoever "they" is) are with your friends" as if to imply that my friends are trying to say that there is some sort of reason why i shouldn't be included in a normal lifestyle.....whats really funny is "why would a friend of mine push for anything but complete and total support of not only this girl and the baby but the right to a decent lifestyle and the right to be included amongst peers that not only I have equal standing with but on some levels have completely surpassed.?" This tells this girl that I really dont have any friends, not real ones at least. I tell you what though, had I gotten paid for all the writing that has been plagerized, I would suddenly have a ton of friends. Oh and Kendall, she would be the first to change her stuck up treatment of this girl. All of the sudden I would be "worthy" of her attention. Same goes with the rest of them. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO whatever they are saying about this girl really doesn't hold much merit unless they are fighting for this girl. I know the difference between a real friend and someone that says that they want whats best for this girl all the while working against this girl. Crack mothers have babies, and you dont think I am able, with my loving, non drug using self to care for this child? Maybe I could if one of you grew a spine and stood up for whats right. By the way Todd, you were lied to.
Everyone is refusing to acknowledge my pregnancy so I have people that think that I am just eating to spite America or something. America has been lied to just like my father. Anyone that could help has been lied to so that these people can retain control over this girl. I dont know how you are going to continue to accuse this girl of faking a pregnancy when Im showing at seven months pregnant.
I hope my uncle drops dead for all the cruelty Ive had to endure from his end.
They said again how "just" this whole situation is. I haven't done anything out of the ordinary (meaning, I ate and drank liquid, and had a place to stay inside) and now they say that because of that..."it is just!" What is just? The annihilation of my existance just because you want some other girl to recieve credit for my accomplishments and my life? Your crazy to think something like that.
Sometimes I fantasize about someone pushing the red button. Only because I am totally tired of all the selfish people out there that dont have a clue about what they are talking about. I fantasize about a large cloud of radiation flowing through their infostructure to the point where they collapse in a pile of dust right before my eyes. One less asshole on this planet is fine with this girl.
Only the status, power hungry, people that have to "control" everything. Its kind of like that old "Ally McBeal" show where they enact what she is actually thinking, no matter how outlandish.
Thats the other thing, everytime I want to brush my teeth but dont have the money to buy a toothbrush, someone tries to pull the "the eye, dont" routine. Same goes for make up and the ability to pluck unwanted hairs. Then when I say well Im sorry, but you have, and do it anyway I get the "its just" routine. Yet everyone around this girl has clean teeth, makeup on and no mustache to sport around town. What a crock of crap. How much longer are you expecting to get away with this sort of thing. Your games are tiresome and redundant. I almost know what yu are going to pull before you try it.
"Annie" seems to be on a mission to erradicate my existance also. She has a lot to lose so I suppose that would make sense. She doesn't want the general public to find out that she used this girl to get where shes at. My writing and blogs and notebooks were given to her to replicate and pass off as her own thoughts and experiences. All the miniature notebooks that I had to leave behind, confiscated and passed off as her own. Mostly notes about how I have been traumatized by this aweful existance, now suddenly is her story. These fakes make this girl wonder how lightning doesn't strike the ones that desparately deserve it. So here I sit in hell...
Speaking of hell, Kim (not kim adams or kim dougherty) could you find someone else to sentence to life in eternal hell as I have been living there for quite some time unfairly and you know the truth of what has happened. I am unsure as to why you have gone out of your way to target this girl but its getting old considering, I dont sit around plotting your demise or anyones elses. Why dont you concentrate on someone that lies their ass off to get what they demand in life and walla you have a perfect candidate for hell (since you believe in that sort of thing). My uncle fits this description as well as almost everyone I have ever trusted that has sold this girl out for a piece of the pie. Ive been truthful the entire time, and you know it. Not trying to be rude but am getting very tired of being everyones accusational punching bag. You should really take a look in the mirror before sending anyone else to their demise as you yourself have ignored truth to exert power.
Sorry and no I dont want to "DO" your child or anyone else. How freaken sick can you get. Just because someone makes up something to save their own ass or the asses of their friends dont take it out on this girl. I have no interest in "doing" a child so everytime you hear someone over the phone saying "YA, I do" they are lying so that the general population will think that I am some sort of freak and that I am doing. Not the truth, and once again sick of lying asses. You people are obsessed with other peoples actions. Children dont turn this girl on. To be honest, I know that you seem to hate Moore but children dont turn him on either, Ive met him, not saying that I am on his side or not on his side, but I appreciate truth and if you are going to put anyones life in jeopardy with a lie I think I owe it to him to stick up for him. By the way, their are very prominent and powerful people in hollywood that have "moore kids" so if you are wanting to threaten him you are also threatening innocent children some of whom you spend the majority of your time crooning over. No wonder everyone thinks everything is "just" all the time. They have no truth to go on. Its one big sabotage after another. Mostly for "annie's" sake, or some entertainer that has to get their way or some military faction that needs a scapegoat to divert attention away from all the hideous things they themselves are involved in. I am just a girl and I am treated like some sort of "war criminal with no rights"
SICK OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The people in my world are totally ignorant. They have made everything unenjoyable and almost everything is a crime. Love, compassion, understanding, ambition, goals, self esteem. They have overcomplicated things with their assanine attatchments of meaning to simple things. Peaches mean...., The color green means....., Okay means....., the list goes on and on and it has taken away the joy of this planet. I have news for you, peaches are a fruit, the color green is a color, Okay is intended as an answer form, its as simple as that. I refuse to play your game. If I need nutrition because I have a growing baby inside of this girl, then I'll eat some fruits or vegetables. If I want to see something magnificent Ill add color etc.... Are you understanding any of this yet?
I had a person with a powder blue jacket turn their back on this girl and dad, I am wondering if that is your group. What did I do for you to turn your back? I didn't do anything out of the ordinary so maybe you are just thinking that I have done something that I havent or you misunderstood my intentions?
Also, can the person that refers to themselves as "ME" kindly quit trying to take ownership over the consignment circuit? I am broke and am NOT part of your group but sometimes will have to go to a consignment shop without "me" popping up in my life. You dont "own" the thrift world. I am tired of not being able to be a normal person with normal rights. I dont lie because I end up at a consignment shop. No offense to April (I have no idea if she is the one that they call "me" but Im tired of just existing on this planet. I would like to be productive.
I love children and right now I am working on my latest business idea. I need room to breath.
No Im not "submiting" my child to some crazy faction. It should have all the rights and compassion of the Obama form of government. Thats the kind of leader I want my child looking up to. Not limited to Obama but also anyone else that is serious about changing this planet.
You keep accusing this girl of things that aren't true including something that you are attempting to get the death penalty on. Do you always kill innocent people for no apparent reason? Oh, I must be dealing with my uncle again. What is it that you think I am guilty of? Ive never killed anyone or lied to the president (unlike you) I had breakfast like millions of others, now have a disposable phone (like millions of others) and have been completely truthful the entire time. Am I in your way again? Get a life you pathetic piece of jealous shit. What are you going to do when I am dead for information? Oh, thats right you'll just sit back and enjoy MY TRUST FUND! Thats why you need this girl dead, or imprisoned or to look as if I am crazy, so that you can go shopping uninterupted by the fact that I am still breathing. Pathetic. You make this girl sick. I hope one of your "sides" bites your dick off. And that is really mild. Anything else that I really fantasize happening to yu is to strong for print. You are the only one that I feel this way for. Get out of my life. I have had it. Your constant emotional torture of refusing to acknowledge this girl as a person and your constant attempts to harness this girl like a freaken horse and lets not forget your constant threats of chaining this girl in a basement and keeping this girl as a sex slave. Hey, Ive offered to take a lie detector test in front of a stadium full of people, why haven't you offered, you freaken terrorist in disguise as a patriot. I would love for the world to find out what you are all about. Now the "eye" will say it is just, just because you make this girl so putred sick that i have not one decent thought about you. I would technically never be able to watch harm come to you but I would love to see your ass thrown in jail for stalking, harassment, abuse, lying to the comander in chief, and the list goes one should be able to get away with what you get away with. You have everyone fooled into thinking that you are all about america. What a crock!, America is supposed to be land of the free, not only for your selfish ass. America is about incorporating different ideals and beliefs and valuing each other. You are NOT what america is all about. You believe in torture and beatings and violence and degrating politics, you look for loop holes to get away with your treatment of your niece, you look for ways to imprison rather than to educate. I would never want you representing anything that touched this girl including the land that I stand on. You allow rape of your niece and kidnappings but have the nerve to display the American flag outside your front door. Im nausiated and I cant tell if it is from the baby or from thinking of you as some sort of spokesperson for America. Your a monster. When is the last time you asked your wife or kids to starve in honor of America. Oh yeah, thats something that you are unwilling to do. Im pregnant and have missed more meals in the last three weeks than you have in years. Youre a hippocrite and a lyer.
Im not dumb I have aspergers syndrome.
unrelated is........
Good tidings to B, removed from all of this.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The real version of the story

I am traveling to find and secure a healthy lifestyle for myself and my child. I am in no way a "Y" (better known as a terrorist) or racist at all. I have a specific group of people that want it to look like I am trying to get "2" or to try and become someones girlfriend. I really dont have an intrest in someone elses man (for the millionth time) and since I am pregnant, I want only find and establish my life in a decent community. I no longer know what to do to have a normal life. I am tired of this journey and always having to outrun my uncle and members of my family that use this girl to aid in their success.
I am thoroughly tired of dealing with this as my life and people that think that everything is about an entertainer (eminem, 50 cent, Dr Dre). Although I wish no harm to come to any of them, I assure you that my life is valuable without these three people approving or disapproving of my actions. I hope that they have wonderful things come to them and their families but personally i have my own life and i would really appreciate being able to live it now.
I am trying to find a life in the midst of this tug of war. I was officially secret service in LA but because I have aspergers syndrome I wasn't able to process this valuable information until it was to late. Now I am in another state.

A note to my father. I cant keep up with all the setups and you are definitely being lied to. I am sorry that we have been unable to have a conversation so that I would be able to clear this matter up with you but it has been almost impossible to dodge all the setups. Tara's uncle is still trying to get her in w/u.
Now I have this crazy group of people trying to break one of my bones as it is their belief that such an action will "get M out" in their lingo. God I hate this existance. A bunch of mentally unstable people trying to tell this girl how i have to live and i dont share any of their assanine beliefs.
A note to anyone that is of color (people that dont have white skin) I love all people and have never been racist. I am not racist against white folks either.
A note to the lunatics that go around calling people whores and should find something a little on the positive side to concentrate on. YOu might have less time to judge others. I have nothing against any woman or the decisions that she makes with her body and never would I punish someone for their personal beliefs. I have better things to do with my time than to try and prove anything to your kind of people. I dont take your tests. Find someone else to recruit to try and degrade women, Im not a part of your group.
I really wish I could have a normal life. I am tired of being ripped off and used and now my father has again been turned on this girl. I am weary. I wish that I could just concentrate on my pregnancy. Nobody wants this baby to live. This baby is part of a group of people that are aware of its existance but cant acknowledge it until I can dissassociate myself from all these bizaare groups of people out their. My baby shares the same group as Brandi's Daughter(chin.rer)o duck into this hotel to write this but by no means do I want 2 because I am in here and no offense Tara, I am still want my mothers side of the family to either accept this girl or get out of my life. I am done trying to prove things to you or them. At this time I am concerned about my father and the lies that he is being told. I care also about my mother.
A note to Will Smith....i have aspergers syndrome and because people haven't been exactly trustworthy sometimes i jump the gun and make the wrong decision which pushes the direction of my life away from your help or what you are trying to help with. I am sorry, but I need for you to understand that it is no way intentional. Like I said, it takes this girl hours to days of uninterupted peace to piece together information. Because I am used to people using and abusing this girl, it has been incredibly difficult to not run away from the very people that are attempting to help (the set ups also make it look like I am against the people that are trying to help.) In my effort to live my life normally, you have ended up offended and for that I am sorry. I do not believe in the taking of peoples hands but after 5 years on the road and now the fact that I am pregnant i am in a hurry to go where I can make a life (a shelter) I am having a baby regardless of what these people say. Their is nothing wrong with this girl mentally other than the fact that I have aspergers syndrome which is easily handled in a normal stable living environment. I have a ton of respect for you
Will, Jada and family. I didn't really understand until this morning that you were trying to help. Also remember that as a form of the aspergers that I remember and forget some pieces of info all day as I am innundated constantly with visual and auditory stimulus, not to mention dodging all the setups to make yu think that I somehow dont care about you or your efforts. That last statment goes out to everyone that has legitimately tried to help. Including the other William.
Another note. There are groups of people that I dont share beliefs with. These groups include but are not limited to people that find the need to hurt anyone for any reason. It is not some right that you have,whether you think you do or not, to go around "punishing" individuals for not living, adhearing or believing in the same things that you believe. Dont EVER associate myself with you. I do not claim your beliefs or your practices.
A note to the baby's father....I know that you have found out by now that I am pregnant with your child. I am sorry that I haven't had the resources to tell you myself (no transportation of my own) But I know that you have found out. I am also sorry that you may have felt embarassment because these people have done everything in their power to make this girl look totally pathetic. And to be honest, at times I have felt totally desparate. It is a desparation that I hope you as the father has never had to experience. I want you to know that I have respect for you because the life i have growing inside this girl is half of you and I would never intentionally do anything to hurt or embarass you, even though we dont know eachother that well. I will admit to you that given the unfair situation I have been put in both before you and after you, that i have been exposed to people that have fully capitalized on my need for shelter. They stepped over their boundaries to make a long story short and because I am naive and dont know how to say "no" sometimes I have ended up being pushed beyond what was originally acceptable to this girl. They took advantage and video taped it. If my mom was here she could tell you that I have never been able to say "no" my whole life. I am sorry if you have been made to believe that i am some sort of hooker, but I assure you that I have never been. I have been used for others games and purposes but the girl that you were with that night was totally heartbroken because of these prior events that have now been shown to god only knows who on video. That is how we ended up together that night.
I really didn't think I would be able to get pregnant, otherwise I might have insisted on something else. I figured I was too old and my body was to unhealthy from stress. Not the case obviously. I wont totally go into it but I have been pregant before but I was in better health. That baby died when I was four months (plus or minus). No, didn't have an abortion. The point is that i am actually a really bright and intelligent girl with phenominal business sense. Unfortunately all you get to see is the homeless side. You are a good man for attempting to look past what everyone wanted you to see. What is really there is a wonderful person that would never hurt anyone on purpose. I will never keep you away from your child as long as you wish to be included. I promise to never say anything derogatory about yu or allow anyone else to either. I believe that that promotes self esteem in a growing child when they are constantly reminded of not only how much they are loved but also that their parents are great people that are supportive of each other. How could anyone look at that little face and say something aweful about one of the people that created it. Hopefully at some interval we can get together and have a real conversation. Hope all is well and just know that I am supportive of you.
A note to everybody, I am not playing. I would appreciate it if you stopped overanalyzing my every action or lack of action and realized that I am a real person with my own personality. Also if you could refrain from using the word "YA" everywhere I go, I would really appreciate it. I hear it constantly, and when I say constantly I mean that as soon as you let it pass from your lips, the minute I turn my head in the opposite direction there is someone else waiting to say it. I have no room to breath and you are selfish to think that I am not allowed to enjoy a regular day without your version of what you think I am up to. You seem to not understand that anything can become abusive, when I cant enjoy a moment without hearing "YA" it is officially verbal abuse. If you were to be truthful, you have never been able to pinpoint a time when I have gone out of my way to try and make you "aware" of how I feel about your actions within your own life that dont even affect this girl. Im wondering why with your great life, why you cant just keep you mouth shut about my existence when it doesn't even affect you. You dont see this girl trying to stick my nose in your activities or your personal life. I have no desire because I realize I have worth of my own, whether you think so or not.
If I decide to leave a city and go to the next it is usually because I've grown tired of the attitudes displayed toward this girl and not for the reasons you make up in your head. Not everyone will put themselves in the boxes you create for them, there are a few, such as myself, that will throw your box in the bailer and keep on believing in myself. You should try stranding on your own two feet sometimes, but hey, I know that for you it is so much easier to sway with the crowd. If you decide to brave it one day, as I have, you will find that it isn't easy to make your own path. You call this girl every name in the book and yet you haven't even attempted to break out of your comfort zone. That is why I dont listen to your demands, you mean nothing to this girl if your abusive and dont know the first thing about what your talking about. No offense to good, decent, phenominal, caring, loving, or great people out there.
Also I have not done anything to deserve jail time or a FAKE warrant (my uncles craftmanship) It is an attempt to keep this girl under the control of a tyrant that I refuse to adhere to.
I would appreciate if you stop setting this girl up also to look like I am willing to risk someones hands or fingers, thank you.
Also I was threatened in the mall last night by a woman pushing a stroller (had a neon green blanket coving baby) near the restrooms (out of public view). I was told that if I kept "talking" that they would make sure I had no where to stay (shelters, battered womens homes etc). Basically they keep lying to you and every effort I make to clear my name and make positive steps in a productive direction are thwarted by this. They want this girl to look like an unfit parent all the while it is them keeping this girl from being able to establish myself anywhere. Their ultimate goal is for this girl to have to give up the baby for adoption, which is not going to happen. If they would stop sabotaging my life I would have already had a career and employment by now. It is because of them that I look as if I cant handle the responsibility. They have taken away every opportunity I have had.
Also my blogs are being plagerized and passed off as other peoples words.
A note to the billionaires. It is amazing to this girl that you dont take into consideration the fact that I am existing with no resources. My father is a part of your sector and these people have not only been lying to you but to him as well.
Ashley, I have no idea why you went "so". I am sorry if you were under the wrong impression or if you got lied to. With all the setups I sometimes am exhausted and cant keep up with my efforts at relocation. I know that you have left this girl here as you felt that somehow I didn't care because I am worn out. I hope that my father as well as any of his supporters reconsider my efforts for relocation either in the 30 something group or the 40 something group. And although both groups are completely different I still hope one of them takes this girl seriously. I feel bad for anyone that I offend that has tried to help or has been lied to. Like I said I am not playing and my first priority is to establish myself somewhere where my child and I can live in peace. My father and mother relocated and that would be my optimum goal also.
Also, I dont have a problem with any country and that includes the US. I just wish I had the same rights as everyone else.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Still being stalked by creepy people

I cant even go outside without a bunch of crazy lunatics just waiting to start harassing this girl. I literally hate my existance. I dont want to play their stupid game. I hate these people for sticking their non caring noses into my life. Go Away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I keep traveling and you keep following this girl. I am trying to live my life. Im trying to get away from people that I dont have a thing in common with and that would consist of the entire "ME" group. You are like tree sap. I cant get you off of this girl. Oh let this girl guess, your offering a "pardon" (on behalf of the "ME" group). Pardons are for people that have done something wrong, take your pardon and shove it. Im sick of you and your constant intrusion in my life. I would really appreciate you leaving this girl alone, you dont even know what you are talking about and I think I hate you. Your all a very strange breed of people, stay within your own little cult but I ask that you dont involve this girl. You have no rights to this girl and I would appreciate it if you left this girl alone. I just want a normal life. I am pregnant and no matter what you say, Im having my child and most likely will raise it. Im sick of strange people following this girl around. I miss my old friends. I would appreciate the following people exit my life.....
The Bank
ED (buffoon), rot in hell
Everyone that wants this girl to be uptight and stressed
The "ME" group
People that are falsely accusing this girl of being a terrorist
STalkers and harassers